Weekend Recap

This past weekend I took advantage of being home alone and relaxed and got a few things done around the house that I’ve been meaning to do. Around midnight Saturday Jason got up and headed down to Virginia to go fishing with a couple of his buddies for the weekend. I ended up not waking up until like 8 AM after falling back to sleep, it felt really good to sleep in for once. Once I was up I headed out for a quick 4 mile run. My calf is still pretty sore from running on the beach in GA so I’m trying to lay off it for a little bit before Ragnar. After running I came home and worked on a craft project that I’ve been wanting to do for a while. Like all my craft projects I found this one on Pinterest.


And this is what mine looked like:


I’ll have a post on exactly what I did, and exactly what not to do soon. Even though I hate it when Jason is gone, I definitely take advantage of the ability to eat things that he doesn’t necessarily like to eat. Enter my mother’s recipe for Udon Noodles.


My mom always made this for my sister and I when my dad would go out of town, and its still one of my favorite comfort meals. All you do is take a package of shrimp Ramen noodles and follow the directions on the back, about 3 minutes before the noodles are completely done add; peeled raw shrimp, snow peas, and an egg. Allow all of those to cook, pour in a bowl and top with Spam and green onions. Trust me, try it before you tell me that is gross. The rest of the weekend I spent writing thank you cards. I think I only have about 5 or 6 left to go, better late then never right! My mom came in Sunday afternoon and is staying for a couple weeks which is awesome because she’ll be here for my birthday! This week has already been pretty hectic as I’m trying to get everything ready for my trip to WV this weekend for the Ragnar Trail Relay. I’m hoping to get another post up before we leave on Thursday but we’ll see.

Udon Noodles Recipe
Serves 1

1 Package Shrimp Ramen Noodles
5 Peeled and deveined Shrimp
1/2 Cup Snow Peas
1 Raw Egg
Green Onions to garnish

1. Follow directions on back of Ramen noodle package
2. With 3 minutes left to cook, swirl noodles and water and crack egg into mixture
3. Add shrimp and snow peas and cook until egg and shrimp are done
4. Pour in large soup bowl and top with Spam and Green Onions
5. Enjoy!

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