Oh Hey, Remember Me?

As fall approaches, things are starting to slow down in the Rudden household, at least for one of us anyways. Around this time fishing is slowing down, the air is getting cooler, pumpkin coffee returns, Octoberfest is in stock and hunting season is quickly approaching. Which means I have a lot of time to myself in the afternoons which ALSO means I have more time to write. So, let’s play catch up since my last post was ummm 2 months ago. So first things first our house is for sale! I apologize to my friends and family that I’ve bombarded with Facebook posts. We put an offer in on a short sale in Davidsonville so we are patiently waiting to hear back from the bank. For those unfamiliar with short sales, it can anywhere from 90 days to 6 months for the whole process to be complete. The house is also going to require a little bit of updating, so I’ve been pinning ideas away like crazy. My HGTV loving, demoing wall spirit is super excited to do this! But lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Other then that exciting news, nothing major has been going on. We’ve had a couple issues with the boat.


First we found a hole in the bottom of the boat, then the weekend after Jason fixed the hole, the exhaust elbow blew apart. Luckily Jason did a lot of research and was able to find the part cheaper then what he original found. Once that was all fixed we did a family day over at Kentmorr Marina.



We also went to the Darius Rucker, Brett Etheridge, A Thousand Horses, and Brothers Osborne concert. It was AMAZING. We tailgating with the usual crew:


We’re a good looking bunch:


We met up with our friends Dave and Mary, and their friends Tom and Carol who got us the tickets, which were amazing seats. We were in the 11th row which is the closest I’ve ever been to the stage.


Darius Rucker was definitely a good show, but Brothers Osborne and A Thousand Horses blew it out of the park.



Brothers Osborne is a band actually from Deale, Maryland, so it was really cool to see how many people knew their songs and were really excited to see them. I can’t wait to see what new music they put out!

I think we’re pretty much all caught up. Hope ya’ll have had a fabulous summer!!

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